Sunday, December 5, 2010

Vacation, Here I Come

Actually, it's called "Holiday" and not "Vacation", so we went on "holiday". This is our first international trip since moving to Korea. Airfare was a bit pricey for us to fly, but we managed to get a decent deal by connecting through Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The first leg of the flight was the long part...6 hours. This was shorter than the flight from San Francisco to Incheon, but it was still long enough to be uncomfortable for a very active Elizabeth. It was more difficult for Sana than it was for me because Elizabeth wanted to sit with Mommy the whole time.

To get to the airport, we hopped on a 90 minute bus ride from the Songtan bus terminal to the airport. It was an early bus, so Elizabeth was probably still sleepy because she was pretty relaxed the whole ride.
After getting past security, we had time to grab breakfast and take some photos as we made our way to the gate.

"Is that our plane? Yay!"

"I wanna help pull the bag."

I'm pretty sure Elizabeth was wondering where we were going, but she was in store for a good deal of fun. -T


  1. I can't believe how big she's grown. I bet she and Phoebe could not sit together and chatter for hours! We miss you guys.

  2. omg she looks so big and so cute in the photos.
