Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Lost in Translation II

To help around the house, we recently hired a housekeeper.  She comes three times a week to clean, cook, do laundry and help with the baby.  Today, since all the housework was done early, I asked her to watch Vincent while I picked up Elizabeth from school before her usual pick up time so I could play with her one-on-one.  We picked up three red bean ice cream cones from the corner grocer and came home to share it with the 아줌마 (lady in Korean).  Afterwards, since Vincent was still asleep, we decided to go outside and blow some bubbles.  As we were heading outside, the 아줌마 asked Elizabeth where we were going in Korean and Elizabeth responds 할머니 바볼, 나가바볼.  Which translates to "grandma, bubbles, outside bubbles."  Unfortunately, bubbles also sounds like the word idiot in Korean.  So the housekeeper heard, "grandma, idiot, outside idiot."

She looked bewildered and responded with a "you are too smart, yes, grandma is an idiot."  Good thing I was standing nearby to hear the exchange and correct the translation misunderstanding. We all had a good laugh, except for Elizabeth who probably was wondering what was so funny.

After playing for only 15 mins, it started to rain, so we had to come right back in.  We'll play with bubbles again tomorrow! -S


  1. Unfortunate it got lost in translation, but it's so funny and cute at the same time.

  2. aww, i'm glad she's enjoying the bubbles! That misunderstanding was so cute~ haha. I have to get Lil new bubbles too cus she dumped the entire tube in MH's shoe, yikes!

  3. 팀 바블... ㅎㅎ How are ya Sana?

  4. You are not alone, I have some similar interesting stories to tell you later.
    These pictures are cute, making me miss you a lot!
