It's the little things that remind of us home that keeps homesickness at bay. It's been almost a year since we moved to Korea and though it was not a difficult transition, we still dearly miss our home in Denver. Due to the Westernization of Korea, many American things or American-like things can be enjoyed while abroad. Recently a new Toys "R" Us opened near our home and we spent three hours exploring and playing there. We found many of the same toys that can be found at home, but also a plethora of Korean and Japanese toys. The store is quite large, by Korean standards, but probably half the size of a US store. An interesting supply chain question: Do you think all those toys made in China are sent to the US and then shipped back to Korea? -S
We ended the night by going to one of our favorite restaurants...Todai.
Ah... Todai... It's "to die" for isn't it? ;)