Monday, October 19, 2009

Rubber Duckies

Finally, Elizabeth has some toys to play with in the tub. Until now, she was playing with rings and a solo rubber hippo that came in a shampoo gift basket. Now, she has all sorts of things, duckies, sea animals, and small raft rings to save the drowning play toys. Yesterday was ducky night, so all the other animals had the night off and the duckies played in the tub.

Elizabeth loves to splash around and dunk the toys in the water and watch them float up. She favors baby ducks, probably because they're the perfect size for her little hands. When we start bath time, they are usually sitting in mommy duck's back, but soon afterwards, they are everywhere. -S


  1. freaking precious oh em gee.

  2. "rubber ducky your my friend... you make bathtime so much fun!! "... i absolutely LOVE the ducks!!
